North Newtown Outside of School Hours Care
At NNOOSH we provide a safe, supportive and encouraging environment for children to learn about themselves, and their world, through play and leisure. We are excited to see children thrive and believe their experience in OOSH can positively contribute to the development of a range of social and emotional skills. Our program aims to support childrens’ friendships, enhance resilience, and foster understandings of citizenship and belonging within the community.
Raising Concerns:
Initially all concerns, grievances and complaints should be addressed by email to the Co-ordinator, unless they involve Co-ordinator, and then they need to be sent to the Committee, ( If the service can’t resolve the issue, you can contact the NSW Department of Education. The Department regulates Early Childhood Education and outside school hours care services and works to ensure that children are kept safe and have access to quality education and care.
Click here for information sheet from the Department of Education.
Notice Board
Philosophy Update
The Philosophy has been updated in August, 2024, to include more emphasis on Indigenous Reconciliation and Sustainability. You can find the updated philosophy here.
Child Safety Standards:
We have created a Public Commitment to Child Safe Standards, which you can find: here.
If you would like more information on the updated Child Safe Standards, please go: here.
We have updated the staff Code of Conduct, which you can find: here.
We are currently investing in staff training, on a leadership and casual level.
We are in the process of updating our Child Safety Policies and Procedures.
After solidifying our approach to the updated Child Safe Standards, we intend to consult the NNOOSH community, families and children of the service.
Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) Launch:
Our Rap launch will be held from 3.15-5.30pm on Wednesday, 26th March, 2025. There will be a Smoking Ceremony and a didgeridoo player. Also, some indigenous-inspired food. Please let us know if you wish to join us (for catering purposes) by email.
Food Safety:
Food Safety Legislation has been pushed back to the end of 2024, however, at NNOOSH we have appointed 2 Food Safety Supervisors and all current staff have conducted food safety training.
In 2024, NNOOSH we developed a Food Safety Program to solidify our food safety standards.
Department of Education has inspected the hand-washing area in the kitchen, and I believe they will install a special hand-washing sink for Educators.
Sustainability Action Plan:
In 2024, NNOOSH aims to grow more sustainable in practice and policy with the implementation of a Sustainability Action Plan.
In October, we are conducting a chemical safety audit and also aiming to replace some products eg handtowels with a more sustainable product.
Please do not hesitate to email if you are interested in any NNOOSH projects or have any questions or comments.
Enrol your child/children using the link:
Vacation Care April 2025
CWA & MyGov
After School Classes 2025
These classes are run by school. Please contact tutor directly for information
NB: Note new email for dance class is
Contact school if you are interested in violin lessons, which are currently held on Mondays

Parent management committee
Should you wish to contact a member of the Parent Management Committee please contact NNOOSH via our email ( your details will be passed on to the appropriate committee member.
Should you wish to communicate confidentially with a member of the NNOOSH committee, you can contact the President or Staff Liaison Officer at This email address is reserved for direct communication with the committee over grievances or confidential concerns.
Parent Management Committee 2025:
President: Janet Franklin
Vice President:
Treasurer: Lewis Daniels
Secretary: Paul Freyne
Other Committee member: David Peek
Staff Liaison/Community Complaints: Email
How we operate
NNOOSH is a community-based, not-for-profit, out-of-school-hours care organisation serving the needs of Newtown North Primary School community. NNOOSH may accept enrolments from children who do not attend NNPS subject to availability of places. We have 110 approved places for primary school-age children per session.
The service is governed by a volunteer Parent Management Committee which is made up of parent volunteers whose children attend the service. The Committee oversees the governance of the centre and assumes the legal responsibilities of an Approved Provider. The Committee makes decisions about the service according to the NNOOSH constitution. They meet once a term with the Coordinator and other staff representatives to discuss NNOOSH policies, procedures, operational priorities and review everyday management. The Annual General meeting is held in Term 4 each year.
NNOOSH Inc is an incorporated association under the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 (NSW).
We re-invest operational profits into the centre in the form of:
Staffing and Professional Development
Resources for a range of play and leisure-based activities
Educational resources
Subsidising a range of extra-curricular activities
Subsidising the excursion, incursion and additional vacation care costs
A generous and nutritious menu provided each day
Every parent whose child attends NNPS and uses NNOOSH (either during regular school term or vacation care) is eligible for membership of NNOOSH. Membership is $2 per annum.
The quality of care provided by NNOOSH, and all OOSH services in NSW, is legally enforceable by the National Law (Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998) and National Regulations and is supported by a set of National Quality Standards (developed and administered by The Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA).
Approved number of places: The maximum number of children that can be educated and cared for by the service at any one time, stated on the service approval under section 52(g) of the National Law.
Approved provider: A person (committee president) who holds a provider approval (National Law). A provider approval authorises a person to apply for one or more service approvals and is valid in all jurisdictions.
Coordinator: A person employed or engaged by the approved provider to monitor the operation of the service and support the educators who are part of the service (National Law).
Nominated Supervisor: A person who is nominated by the approved provider of the service under Part 3 to be a nominated supervisor of that service; and has provided written consent to that nomination (National Law). The NNOOSH Co-ordinator fulfils the role of Nominated Supervisor
Responsible Person (RP): The responsible person is an individual who is physically present and is responsible for the operation of a centre-based service for an agreed period of time. An RP must be present at all times that the approved service operates and can be:
the approved provider or a person with management or control of the service;
a nominated supervisor of the service; or
a person placed in day-to-day charge of the service in accordance with the National Regulations (National Law).
Educational leader: The educational leader is an appropriately qualified and experienced individual designated in writing by the approved provider under regulation 118 to lead the development and implementation of educational programs in the service (National Regulations).
Educator: An individual who provides education and care for children as part of an education and care service (National Law).
ACECQA: The Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) is an independent national authority that administers the National Quality Framework (NQF) for children's education and care. ACECQA is the authority which oversees the Assessment and Rating system for OOSH services. Link to the National Laws and Regulations: here.
Department of Education and Training: is the NSW licensing and compliance authority for OOSH services. The DET conducts compliance visits, including spot checks, and offers support and advice to services in NSW.
Quality Improvement Plan (QIP): Every OOSH service is required to demonstrate a cycle of ongoing quality improvement as part of their assessment for quality rating. This involves the input of all stakeholders including parents, community members, children and staff and further information about the services QIP can be found on the QIP page.